Community Forestry

Did you know that Sheridan may be the best place in all of Wyoming to grow trees? Or that thirteen of Wyoming’s champion trees can be found in the Sheridan area? Did you know that Sheridan has one of the top arboretums in the state? Wyoming may be known for its prairies and pastures, but Sheridan should be known for its trees.

Trees are a critical resource to the City of Sheridan. Trees provide us shade and clean air, they capture and filter our rainwater and they act as habitat for our local wildlife. Trees are the foundation of our town. They increase our individual health, create places for our community to gather and help provide the quality of life that the City of Sheridan is known for.

Acknowledging the importance of our trees, the City of Sheridan has created its own Community Forestry Program. The mission of the program is to ensure the safety and vitality of Sheridan’s community forest, both today and into the future. The Community Forestry Program is tasked with maintaining and promoting the health of nearly 5,000 trees in public spaces such as parks, street spaces and natural areas. It is also acts as a useful resource for private tree owners by promoting education focused on local tree species and proper tree maintenance.

Looking to plant a new tree? Make sure to check out our Trees for Sheridan list for some recommended varieties. Having issues with your current tree? Scroll through our Tree Care page to read about some common issues and pests in our area. Need a tree pruned? Make sure to take a look at our list of approved contractors. Have any other specific questions? Please feel free to contact the City Arborist directly at