Landfill Coupon Information:
How does the coupon system work?
Beginning February 1, 2012, landfill coupons will be tracked through the landfill scalehouse, and will not be printed in your City of Sheridan utility bill. Landfill coupons will be tracked at the landfill scalehouse using a database of resident addresses associated with each current utility account. You will need to provide "proof of residency" by brining a copy of your City water bill or MDU bill. Please be prepared to show identification, as the only ones authorized to use the coupons are the person(s) listed on the account.
Six (6) free disposals (up to one ton each) will be allowed per physical address beginning January 1 each year. These disposals will be checked off as customers use the landfill for free dumping. When all six coupons are used, then free dumping is used up for that year for that address. These will reset January 1st of each year, whether the previous year's coupons have been used or not.
Each customer must provide identification and proof that they reside at the physical address (where the coupon is being used) within the City of Sheridan (e.g., City utility bill, driver's license showing the address being used, or MDU bill).
Landlords with master meters for multiple dwelling units may participate in the program by contacting the landfill and providing information to add their units to the database. This will allow their tenants to use the free landfill service.
What are the limitations?
Limitations for coupon use will continue to be the same as before (as listed below):
Loads shall have a net weight of one ton or less;
Loads shall be separated into categories of household garbage, green waste, construction & demolition, metal, and other recyclable materials;
All customers will be required to cross the landfill scales and a fee waiver transaction completed.
Fee waivers listed above include: trash resulting from seasonal or periodic clean-up of the owners premises, garden trash, lawn, hedge or tree trimmings, discarded furniture, fixtures, appliances, automotive parts, or other articles not ordinarily considered normal household or business waste. Refrigeration units will be charged a decommission fee for any units that have not been decommissioned by a State certified technician. Liquid paint, pesticides, fertilizer, chemicals or other hazardous materials are considered to be Household Hazardous Waste. Please call 674-8461 for more information and restrictions.
Not included in free disposal using landfill coupons: tires, car batteries, refrigeration / Freon containing units.
City of Sheridan Landfill requires that all waste delivered to the City of Sheridan S.W.D.F. will be secured, covered, or in a closed container. Materials delivered which are not secured, covered, or in a closed container will be assessed the following surcharge per load: $10.71 for cars and pickups / $53.04 for all other vehicles (including trailers).
Please call the Landfill at 674-8461 if you have any questions, or need additional information.