Kendrick Park Master Plan

Project Overview

Park master plans are created to develop a comprehensive vision that will be the framework for a park's use and development into the future. They consist of a schematic design, a narrative, and a cost estimate. The final product provides a document that can be used to secure funding and plan future improvements to Kendrick Park.

Historically, Kendrick Park has been a core asset for the Sheridan community. It continues to serve the community locally along with many visitors in many different ways. This active space is essential to the vitality of our park systems, connectivity to the pathways and streams, and provides an extended destination for downtown. Over time Kendrick Park has initiated many community partnerships and for all of these reasons the City of Sheridan planned an extensive public process including many community partners.

Next Steps

Staff will be asking mayor and council to approve the Main Park, Bellevue Pocket, and Pool areas of the Kendrick Master Plan at the March 24th council meeting (See page 14 for reference).

The proposed changes to the Wildlife Area will not be approved until the community has had more of a chance to provide feedback.

We appreciate your support and involvement.

Master Plan

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Project Contacts

Mathers Heuck
Operations Superintendent
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 307-675-4337