The City of Sheridan's compost is made from green waste that consists of leaves, grass clippings, brush, tree trimmings, horse and cattle excreta. It may also contain solids derived from primary, secondary or advanced treatment of sanitary wastewater that has been treated through one or more controlled processes.
The City of Sheridan offers two (2) varieties:
Bulk and Bagged STA Certified Compost
- Temperature regulated in an aerated static pile bag (AgBag)
- No weed seed
- Contains biosolids
- Sent to a third party lab to test for stability, maturity, nutrients, pathogens, heavy metals and more.
Bulk Soil Conditioner
- Naturally cooked in windrows
- Exposed to the elements, it may contain weed seed
- No biosolids
- Sent to a third party lab to test for stability, maturity, nutrients, pathogens, heavy metals and more.
Click here to view / download Compost Application Guidelines
Wood Chips
The City of Sheridan also offers wood chips in bulk. Wood chips are made from tree limbs that have been ground down.
Loading Compost & Wood Chips
Bulk compost and wood chips are loaded Monday - Saturday 8am - 5pm. Please bring a tarp to cover your load. If you do not have a tarp available, one can be purchased from the Scale House.
Compost availability is based on production as well as time of year. Please call to check on supply (307) 674-8461 (option #1)